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Posts Tagged ‘Brexit’

How can ‘Remainers’ talk to ‘Brexiters’?

It is very heartening that so many people marched on Saturday to demonstrate for a second referendum but it merely highlights the immediate problem. Andrew Rawnsely ( points out that MPs are frightened to back a new referendum for various reasons but two are particularly significant, “Some are fearful that another referendum would turn Britain Read More

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Brexit, the plight of the Remainers

Isn’t it often the way that one ends up accumulating too much to say and so keeps putting off saying it, as if there will come a moment when everything will collapse into sensible paragraphs and write itself. I find myself continually confronted by some very clear facts but no sense that they can be Read More

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Brexit, Democracy and the Role of Opposition

Democracy: ours is a representative democracy. That means that we elect people to make decisions on our behalf to run our sovereign nation. This allows me to make a direct analogy with a healthy organisation. The Chief Executive is appointed by the Board to make decisions about the best running of the organisation. If a Read More

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