“The Unconscious” is the first of a series of videos introducing concepts that will be an important part of the material for the teaching on the e-version of the Short Course Intervention.
“The Development of Consciousness” continues the series of public videos.
Short Course Intervention Rationale
The sections below describe the Teaching Plan and the Modules referred to therein.
The point of this is that it represents an intervention that we developed for all levels within organisations that recognises that the success of a consultation depends upon there being a concept of how individuals think and behave in the contexts of: alone, in a group and in an organisation. Without such a shared 'model', any intervention will be heard differently by different team members.
Therefore this intervention combines a taught concept of how we function - the 'Short Course' part, followed by a 'consultation' (the intervention part).
This e-learning training will provide you with a direct experience of this model so that you can use it in your work.