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Philip Stokoe Associates offers Consultation, Training and Psychotherapy from a psychoanalytic and open systems perspective.

We believe that individuals and organisations are designed to function to their potential and will do so, UNLESS SOMETHING GETS IN THE WAY.

Things that get in the way occur ‘below the surface’, that is they are very difficult to see if you are part of the system.

Our aim is to find what you can’t see, help you to understand why it is happening and, therefore, give you the means to take control of it.

We have a view of how an organisation ought to look if it is functioning well: the Healthy Organisation Model.

About Us 01
Young Women in Lotus Position
Healthy Organisation Model 01
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Consultancy 01
Exectutive Coaching 01
Pencil on notebook.
Short Course Intervention 01
Blog 01
Contacts 01